The Okaw Valley CUSD #302 welcomes the talent and skills of individuals who are interested in volunteering their time to assist with accomplishing the district's overall goals and objectives - "To Educate our Students".
The school board encourages the use of volunteers to:
1. Increase students' educational attainment
2. Provide enrichment experiences for students
3. Increase the effective utilization of staff time and skills
4. Give more individual attention to students
5. Promote greater community involvement
* For non-teaching duties not requiring instructional judgment or evaluation of students
* For supervising study halls, long distance teaching reception areas used incident to instructional programs transmitted by electronic media such as computers, video, and audio, and detention an discipline areas, and school sponsored extra curricular activities
* To assist in the instruction of students under the immediate supervision of a certified teacher. The teacher shall be continuously aware
of the volunteer's activities and shall be able to control or modify them
* As supervisors, chaperone, or sponsors for non-academic school activities
The district has developed these specific guidelines for volunteers. The guidelines are
established to assist volunteers in understanding district needs and ensuring the best environment for students, while ensuring the district is doing all it can to protect children. Qualifications Volunteers may come from many backgrounds and experiences. The main qualification for a volunteer is that they have a desire to give their time and talent in order to enrich children’s opportunities and the school community in general. It is critical that we ensure all volunteers are serving the best interests of the children and must verify each volunteer to ensure the safety of all.
parent(s)/guardians, parent organizations, senior citizen groups, community businesses, local volunteer centers, and universities. When a volunteer is recruited, they are required to report to the district office to complete the required paperwork and background checks. Role Volunteers serve only in an auxiliary capacity under the direction and supervision of a staff member; they are not a substitute for a member of the district’s staff. Volunteers do not have access to confidential records. Further, any information regarding children shall be maintained in complete confidence.
Selection, Placement, and Supervision Volunteer selection and placement shall be on the basis of the volunteer's qualifications, availability, and the district's needs. The relationship between a volunteer and staff member should be one of mutual respect and confidence.
Screening volunteers is critical because of the vulnerability of the population the school district serves. Each volunteer must register in the main office at the beginning of each year and attend the all-volunteer orientation session at the start of each year. Any volunteer who behaves in any manner that demonstrates he or she is not a good role model or is otherwise detrimental to the school district mission will be denied any further opportunity to be a volunteer with the school district. Examples of such behavior include: swearing, failing to be dependable, failing to follow the supervisor's instructions, committing any criminal act, including any acts on district grounds or at a district sponsored activity, touching, threatening or intimidating a child in a rude or overly forceful manner, failing to dress in an appropriate manner, or violating any district rule.

Volunteer Program Overview Pamphlet
Volunteer Application
This application will explain the steps to become a volunteer at Okaw Valley. Please submit application via mail or walk in to the Unit Office or complete, save to your desktop and email to the unit office.