Okaw Valley CUSD 302 supports suicide and depression awareness and prevention. In compliance with Ann Marie’s Law (P.A. 99443), district staff receive yearly training on recognizing the signs of depression and suicide risk. Middle school students also participate in yearly programming to educate them about suicide prevention. Building counselors are also available to provide support to students and families with mental health concerns.
Resources for suicide and depression awareness and prevention:

Erin’s Law, or Illinois Public Act 097-1147, requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for children in prekindergarten through twelfth grades. OVMS began providing instruction in compliance with Erin’s Law during the 2015-16 school year. Age appropriate instruction helps students recognize unsafe situations, keep themselves safe, and understand how to respond to unsafe situations. OVMS partners with social service agencies to work with each grade level and provide age appropriate information on topics such as: safe versus unsafe touching, the touching rule, secrets, and reporting. In middle school, the focus will shift to safe dating and self-advocacy. Offender Notice: Please be aware of the Public Act 94-004: Sex Offender Registration. This legislation requires that principals and or teachers of public or private elementary or secondary schools notify parents that information about sex offenders is available to the public. The sex offender information is available at